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According to the elaborations of the ministry of the Health, in 2002, Italy, the expense for the SSN has been attested around the 79 billions of euro, par to 6.3% of the gross product (Tab. 5,1).
Regarding 1995, therefore it has grown of beyond 63% in nominal terms, that is nearly 31 billions of euro in.cifra absolute (+38% to constant prices).
Expenses of the SSN have absorbed, in 2002, more of 14% of the running expense of the public administrations (approximately 1/4 of the total social expense), against 10.9% of 1995.
In terms per capita, in 2002, the costs of the SSN are turn out you equal to 1.370 euro, against the 840 of 1995.

Table n. the 5.1 - costs of the National Health Service (years 1995-2002) (Source: Elaboration Ageing Society on gives to you to ministry Health and ISTAT)

Even if the incidence of the sanitary expense on the PIL appears in Italy still leggermente inferior to that one of the greater countries industrializes (7-7,5% to you), that that arouses strong worries is, on one side, its support in along term, when the effects connected to the aging of the population and the scientific progress will be unfolded totally.
From the other, the acceleration recorded from the same one in the more recent period, in spite of the measures of control activated to leave from 1999 with the Pact of inner stability.
From 1999 to 2002 for the precision, the costs of the SSN are increase you to little inferior a annual medium rate to 8% to going rates (of 5% in the appraisal to constant prices).
In the last years, the druggist attendance is the expense voice that it has made to record the consisting increment more, being last from the 5.1 billions of euro of 1995 to nearly the 12 billions of 2002 (+97.9% in real terms).
Although it marks increases to you, the druggist expense to cargo of the SSN not discosta in meaningful way from the average of countries OCSE; however, the strong acceleration of the last years by now renders the activation of a series of corrective measures finalized improcrastinabile to rationalize the question of the service.
Together to drugs, they are the purchases of goods and services - the so-called the intermediate consumptions - the expense voice that it has evidenced, to leave from 1995, the consisting increments more.
In 2002, such purchases are turn out to you advanced to the 17 billions of euro, against approximately 9 billions of ' 95 (+57.8% to clearly of the inflation).
In the more recent period, however, the expense for intermediate consumptions has recorded a light slowing down, also for effect of the process of centralization of the purchases.
From the consolidated economic account of the health, elaborated from the ISTAT (cfr. Tab.3), a meaningful increase in the course of 2002 of the deficit of the field emerges, than it has been approximated to the 5,3 billions of euro, that is to the higher level of last the seven years.

Table 5.2 - Economic account consolidated of the health (years 1995-2002) (Source: Elaboration Ageing Society on gives ISTAT to you)

Considering such exorbitant figures and the sostenibilità in the time of it does not put into effect them sanitary order does not have to forget that the enormous costs generate to you are in great part finance to you through the fiscal imposition; our sanitary system therefore is prepaid and not free.
It is true that we find ourselves of forehead to a field whose role cannot and does not have to be estimated solo from an economic point of view, but must hold account also and above all of the social importance in enclosed it; but to every case the improvement margins are remarkable: the sanitary programming, the allocation of such resources, the control on the expense flows, the order of the distribution, is all factors that if reviews would prune to bring an improvement in terms of expense but also of service not only offered.
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